homeblogauralarian of the month

D Willi 707

Auralarian of the Month for January 2007

1. What is your name and where are you from?

D Willi, PackFM & Tonedeff [image] Dave Williams aka DWilli707 from the QN5 Forums and I hail from Santa Rosa, with Cali sunshine always shining down no matter the season.

2. What’s your favorite Color?

Baby Blue, or else.

3. How did you get into Tonedeff’s music?

First heard CL’s “Thugged Out…” which got me into them, and once I heard “616 Rewind” I was beyond hooked.

4. Which Tonedeff albums do you own?

Hyphen, Monotone EP, Ridiculous 12”, Disappointed 12”, Underscore, Archetype, QN5 RMX Vol.1

5. Have any hobbies?

Xbox Live, sports, going to the movies, the usual shit.

6. You’ve been an active member of the QN5 forums for years, how do you feel the board has evolved since you first joined.

Well, unfortunately now, the QN5 Forums hardly even focus on QN5 music anymore. BUT, the biggest upside is that there aren’t any annoying people anymore. Especially now that the Megashow is drawing nationwide attention with people flying in all over the country, people are finally seeing everyone on the forums as a brother; this is a community.

7. Any interesting favorite Tonedeff/QN5-related stories?

I followed QN5 all up and down the West Coast when they did shows in LA, Oakland, and Seattle. I have friends in both LA and Seattle, and I live near Oakland, so I got to see 3 different, energetic, and vibrant shows. I’ve never seen anybody that can work like that, but no matter the set list, QN5’s music always flows perfectly.

8. What’s your favorite Tonedeff song?

“Gathered”. That shit evokes emotions in me that make me wanna listen to Yo Yo Ma mashed up with Rammstein.

9. Can you explain what an Auralarian is?

Everyone’s an Auralarian. An Auralarian is someone who wants to continually hear good music without any contrived lyricism, or corny “producer of the month” beats.

D Willi & Tonedeff[image]

10. Creampies or Facials?

Creampies but I gotta get the Mrs. on the pill. The Mrs. is standing behind me and won’t let me talk about all the dirty shit we’ve done.

11. How do you feel about Hip-Hop music right now?

Hip hop is really fucked up right now. Commercially, it’s becoming a side show to sell shit that normal consumers can’t afford, while independtly….it’s still garbage. I never thought Hip Hop could continually get flooded with no talent rappers, but now that webcams are cheap and Youtube is big; we’ve got a WHOLE new brand of rapper. I just want some QthousaN5even to heal my pain.

12. We hear there’s a Mrs. DWilli these days. Have you ever given her the piece while bumping Archetype?

Nope; hardly get a chance to slide her the bone with music playing. Tried to widen her walls with Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Goin On” LP put unfortunate circumstances prevented it.

13. What other genres of music do you like?

Anything, really. Music is soulful, it heals wounds. I don’t really listen to Metal and Punk and all the corny variations of, but I keep an open ear to everything.

14. What are you plans for the rest of QthousaN5even?

Asterisk 4.5? Chico and the Man? Basically, work, school, and then the Megashow, and piledriving the Mrs.

15. Any final words before your pop quiz?

Yessssssssir! DLo, whuttttup! Um…last words…yeah that’s it.

Pop Quiz

A. What borough of New York City is Tonedeff from?


B What city was Lollapalooza held at when Tonedeff played?


C. Name the now-defunct group that appeared with Tonedeff on the song “Bananas”.

The Understudies (Fuck Freshchest)

D. TRUE or FALSE: Tonedeff is a Capricorn.

True? December is Capricon, right?

E. Who rhyme’s fourth on Extended Famm’s “Obligatory Posse Cut”?
