
Posthumous thoughts

Posted May 16 2002

I was recently asked, by one of the oldest auralarians, T Master, what I would do if “Archetype” didn’t ‘blow-up’. And I had to really ponder the question, because I’ve been so focused lately that I haven’t stopped to pay attention to the consequences of everything I do.

The couple years have been incredibly arduous for me. Life really starts to become hard when you realize that there is a possibility that you may never achieve what you strive for. And that shit is scary. If the world knew the amount of pressure I place upon myself to succeed, they’d prolly just give me the prize without me even having to ask. But until then…the long nights, the sleepless nights, the stressed days, the frustratingly tense moments of defeat will continue to plague me.

But after some thought, I figure…If this album makes zero noise…I’ll prolly just continue to do my thing.

I mean, honestly…I’m not entirely sure. But if been through so much to get to this point in my career, that giving up now would be pointless. It’s one of those “my brakes have been broken for years” situations, that won’t really stop till I hit a median or something.

Meanwhile, I work my dayjob. Mind running in 4000 different directions, at once. Frustrated just being there, feeling like I’m wasting time that I could have been spending on something worthwhile.

The real truth behind the delay in “Archetype” has been about building a buzz and a bigger fanbase to release it to…waiting, and waiting and waiting and waiting. The record really should have been out 3 years ago, but there would have been no one to buy it. Since then, I’ve tossed more than half the songs, wrote new ones…tossed those…wrote new ones…kept a few and redid the ones that I kept from the original batch.

To me, it’s not worth putting out an album that no one will hear. All that does is undermind the entire effort I put into it. All the sacrifices of time and sleep would be for nothing. (Like what happened with “The Monotone EP”).

So, I’ve just been waiting for the right time. And this year is the right time. The record is really ready, and I hope I can use it to create the buzz that I’ve deserved from day one, but no one was willing enough to give me.

This music game is ridiculous. The whole thing works on money and “Name Riding” and Tonedeff has neither to give. It’s taken a while to allow the “limitations” on my career to really sink in, because I’ve always thought BIG & I like to create things in BIG ways. I set my sight on THE WORLD when I was 5….and I want the world. I’d be lying if I said I was happy being an unknown artist for the rest of my life.

I want to make MY music, the way that I want to make it, and make sure the world hears it, and hopefully enjoys it. Now, with QN5 Music, I’m not alone. Now, I have a team of cats that are as hungry and as talented as I am, all runnin with the same goal. There’s strength in numbers, and I believe that the QN5 label can really do things if people just give us a chance to put our shit out when we need to. I’m working on it everyday… as hard as I can.

In the end, I’d like to produce more and run QN5 as efficiently and as intelligently as possible. My love for music will never go away. I’ve literally tried to give this shit up out of frustration many times before…but I ALWAYS come back to it. Harder and stonger than before. So, why stop now?

All in all, I’ll always be musically productive..for the rest of my life. And I hope that y’all will be there to listen to what I have to say to you.

I hope that sheds a little more light on my intentions and what I plan to do.

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