
[RANT] Shifting Standards Watch #1: Lyricism

Posted Jan 21 2009


This post was lifted from an IM convo I had this morning:

buddy: Have you heard of _______________?
me: yes. and they’re horrible.
buddy: haha, i agree, but i saw them live, they have an impressive amount of energy
me: So do alot of cats. I mean, my crew is mad energetic on stage and didn’t have to sacrifice rapping ability to do it. Plus, I’m not too keen on all these parody electro/rap groups that have been popping up lately.
buddy: haha, i don’t count you guys in comparisons cause its not fair
me: why not? they wanna rap… they need to be judged as such.
buddy: i wouldn’t really say that they’re rappers… they’re more like electro/techno producers who rap over their stuff
me: .... they rap.
me: I don’t give a fuck if they rhyme over accordians and laser zaps with monkeys on stage…if you rap…you need to be dope. I’m really tired of people making excuses for wack rappers. If you’re gonna use the artform for your own financial gain, you need to respect it enough to be held against its’ standards.
buddy: true true, good point.

”...Who don’t deserve the recognition, but they’ll take it/
Cause when you had the chance and you didn’t say shit – you embraced it”
– from “TNT”

Don’t be silent folks.


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