
Have A Holiday Chavez…

Posted Dec 24 2007

Introducing The Chavez...
The Chavez = Bacardi Rum + Generic Orange Soda

I know most folks have off work for the next couple of days, so I’d like encourage y’all to really value this time and destress, relax, chill out and whatever else you like to do. Life is incredibly short, so please try to live every waking minute of it to the fullest – whether that entails spending quality time with your loved-ones and family or trashing your liver beyond all recognizability, that’s on you. As for me, I’ll be trying to be productive.

The Chavez

I’m not a world-class drinker. It’s just something I’ve picked up as of late (regrettably). So, I’d like to share a little concoction with y’all that Mrs. Deff and I, along with my homey Logic (of RBM) and his wife, recently uncovered on vacation. See, the resort we were staying was serving the most incredibly flat rum & cokes on earth. We figured that it was because of they were using some sort of generic brand “cola” to cut costs. We ended up buying our own 2-liter bottles of Coke to create our own mixed drinks. Eventually, those ran out and we were forced back to using the resorts bar.

We did notice though, that the only soda at their fountain that tasted good was the Orange one. So, being the mavens of ingenuity that we are, we figured… “Hey! why not replace the shitty resort coke with their good Orange coke?” None of us were sure if this had ever been done before, (and we’re sure it has), but we’re bullheaded Americans…so everything is OUR IDEA dammit! And since, traditional Rum & Cokes are called “Cuba Libres”... we decided our newly invented libation would be called “The Chavez”. Fuck it.

So, enjoy the wonders of the Chavez, folks. Just please, for the love of god, don’t partake and drive.

Here’s to a safe holiday!

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