
[RANT] Puppenklinikum!

Posted Mar 14 2008

What in the living fuck is going on here?

Now, you see alot of random shit on the road, but sometimes, you just have to step back and take a picture of it.

While we were in Weinfelden, Switzerland we had a moment where the entire camp went on the hunt for some food near the hotel. Well, along the way, I passed a storefront display that creeped me the fuck out – so, I had to take a picture of it. The place looked kinda empty inside and the display in the window looked like it was the Swiss lair of John Doe from the film Se7en.

What the fuck is the black doll doing by removing blood from the patient’s leg? I’m not only confused, but skeeved out by the fact that their hands have been scotch-taped and the scene is made up of baby dolls with expression-less eyes. There’s doll-blood! Creepy! Is this supposed to entice people to enter your shop?

Doll-Blood! Creepy!

Once I got home, I figured I’d investigate a bit further and visit the URL that’s printed on the backdrop. As it turns out, this place was a doll-repair shop. Kinda like Pixar’s Geri character from Toy Story 2. I had no idea these places actually existed – especially with storefronts. These days in NYC, all you see are nail places and banks. Cool ass boutique storefronts for something as niche as doll-repair basically don’t exist anymore. In retrospect, I kinda wish I went in to see the repair in action, because crafty shit is cool to me. But damn, it might have helped to have a display that was a TAD more inviting.

So, if you’re in Weinfelden, Switzerland and you see a disturbing display of baby dolls performing leg surgery on eachother while extracting bodily fluids, don’t panic – it’s just a repair shop. Check them out @ Puppenklinikum.com

Come On! Isn’t this inviting?


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