
[RANT] The Studio Verdict…

Posted Jul 29 2008

It’s A Miracle!

So I was up until 5 am last night testing everything – PC, sound cards, monitors, speakers, mixer, etc etc etc.

...And everything still works! Even my soaked drives! (As far as I can tell right now)

I let those fuckers dry for over a week – next to fans and air conditioners. Mrs. Deff even dismantled one of them to get all of the water out of the plastic case. I’ll be transferring all the data from the older drives to the new backup drive I got asap. But I’m glad to say that everything seems in order.

The only problem is…I had to gut the studio and the rug was removed. So, basically I have to re-carpet the room, have a contractor fix the damage to the walls, and then proceed with re-installing everything in the studio. It took me a few months to get everything perfect last time…I’m hoping I can knock it out under a month this time around.

So, yeah… good news! I’m just eager to get back to work.

Sidenote: Best Fans Ever Part.35

Time and time again Blue Schoolers have proven themselves as the most supportive and generous activists for QN5. And the response I received regarding this potentially disastrous situation was very flattering. Threads like “Who’s Willing To Save QN5” on the forums and a ton of emails popped up after I posted what happened. It’s really a tremendous feeling knowing that y’all are there – supporting us in times like these…and that y’all would actually open up your pocketbooks to preserve the work and keep the ball rolling is beautiful on multiple levels. So THANK YOU to everyone who showed their concern and support during this mess. Y’all are the fucking best.


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