
[VIDEO] Slap Happy In An Airport

Posted Nov 19 2007

This is what happens when muffuckas don’t sleep for days on end and miss flights.

Ever been so tired that every single thing becomes the funniest fucking thing on earth? They call that being “slap happy”. Well, that happens with us…ALOT. Luckily for you, I caught an episode of slappy happiness on camera, after missing a flight, (my first missed flight EVER), recently after a show I did with Pack & G.I. Joe in Burlington, VT.

They had a RIDICULOUS security line…(ie. ONE TSA person and ONE metal detector). And we got caught in security for an extra 2 minutes before they shut the gates on us. Mind you, the plane was perfectly boardable – it was just sitting there taunting us through the window as we argued with the gate people, needlessly wasting time they could have given us to get on the damn plane…but NO. Apparently, there’s RULES about them not allowing people to board with 10 minutes to take off. Blah Blah blah. Shit just sits on the runway for another 45 minutes before it takes off anyway. The more I fly, the more I hate it.

Anyways, we hadn’t really slept for a couple a bit…and this is the result. We even invented the world’s ultimate hipster rapper.


P.S. Peace to PackFM

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